Please check back after the beginning of the 2009-2010 school year for updated information about SAACS tutors! We will be more than happy to assist you with your classes if available!
Peer tutors are available to students who may need help with various subjects. Of course our area of expertise is CHEMISTRY! Our tutors are very intelligent and eager to assist you in any are that they are able. Please remember that peer tutors are first and foremost STUDENTS with their own responsibilities, tests, jobs, and other obligations. The hours of availability vary widely so please be considerate and patient when scheduling appointments. The Chemistry peer tutors for the Fall 2009 semester are as follows:
*Please allow adequate time for tutors to respond to your email and schedule an appointment.
**Before receiving assistance from the tutors we ask that you have covered the material, attempted any problems and read the chapters. Our tutors are here to answer specific questions and explain specific topics to you.
***Peer tutoring is also available in the Student Success Center located in Langdale Hall. Please contact the SSC for hours of availability.